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Director's message :

Rays Software Services is an organization dedicated for providing high quality education and training in the field of computer for more than decade and a half. Our area of interests are in the field of Computer Education in the Schools. It is our endeavor sincerity and commitments towards quality that helps us to reach wider horizons.

Undisputedly this is the age of Computers. Computers accelerate the development of Science and Technology all over the world. Computers find their use in many places from Home to Moon. Therefore it has become essential to learn about computers else one would be left out of place.

It has been said that teaching is the highest form of learning. In such spirit with highest form with day-to-day improvements in computer technology. We at "Rays" believe that imparting computers awareness among pupils but also make the best use of it for better prospects and keep pace with the world.

I hope that the students would find the journey through this series an enjoyable experience and gain a sound working of Computer in systematic manner.

Rays Software Services
An Institute of Computer Education

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